in general:
future Domme Mistress has:
a respective occurrence
otherwise would be here for the ladies more the group Fake Dommes recommended. However, the occurrence dominate should not be confused with overbearing.
a well-kept Avatar
a sub can expect the Mistress or Domme looks good and has the necessary skills.
Heavy Gear provides for example on the Lucky Chairs always interesting objects. Of course, these tools can also be purchased at the store.
Clothing for the latex fan provides for. example the latex Station.
However, women may also itself be creative and build itself.
And having been asked, NO - I get no commission of the shops.
Understanding of RLV and the #RLV folder
Turn off anything more than if a sub or slave of the Domme once must explain how the collar or the restrains works.
Highly recommended would be here the documentation on
Or if reading the documentation is not sufficient, even once the collar wear. To understand the basic functions the Open Collar sufficient.
maybe I'll find time here and still take an documentation.
Experience in SL with BDSM
It is expected as a pure poseball hopping and is in SL more - a little imagination required - everything is possible.
and the D-zone, in particular,
in the D-zone at the bar is available for a vendor applications. You might have notecard note and fill in completely.
For inclusion in the group the same age usually apply - that is, the Avatar must be at least 12 months old.
The Domme Mistress must be able to establish a RP and conduct if necessary. As far as this case is no experience, it would be useful at a transformation of a Mistress / Domme - as a maid in collar - to lend a hand. However, this requires frequent presence in the D-zone.
A D-Zone Mistress should spend at least half your time online at the D-Zone. The appointment to a Mistress / Domme at the D-Zone not only gives rights - it also represents a commitment.
A transformation into a Human Cow is one thing - taking care of the cow requires more effort. The red and dark red cows need care for breeding. Puppies want to run and the visitors want to be entertained.